2018 Retrospective

I can’t believe TQOI was released less than a year ago. It feels like I’ve lived a lifetime since then. Rereading some of my old blog posts, I’m pretty amused at how much my plans for the series have changed over the months. I think they are all changes for the better, though! I’m so glad for all the reader feedback that helped me realize where I wanted to take this series.

So, here’s where we’re at right now.

Tales of Inthya 3: The Queen of Rhodia will be released in May 2019. As I mentioned elsewhere, it will be narrated from Adale and Esofi’s point of view, but Aelia and Orsina will also feature in it. Book 4 should be out in December 2019, and I’ll share more information about it when we get into the new year.

At this point, I am shooting for 6 books in the series, though I plan to reassess that once I get there. I’m hoping that both books 5 and 6 can also be released in 2020, but I guess we’ll see what happens. It’s a bit of a tight schedule but I am optimistic that I can keep to it.

As a present to all my readers, I am hoping to release another free short story about Adale and Esofi this month as we draw nearer to Christmas. Once it’s posted, it will be on the Bonus Content area of my website. I am sorry that I don’t have an exact date for you guys, but I’ll update again once it becomes available!

Most of all, I wanted to thank you for being a fan of the series. This has been a wild year for me. I’ve received comments and emails from readers all over the world, and it’s such an amazing feeling to know I’ve made a difference to so many people. I am truly grateful for your support, and I that hope you are able to spend this winter and the coming year surrounded by people who love you unconditionally.

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